Monday, April 30, 2012

Crush Bottle After Use

CRUSH BOTTLE AFTER USE   is a notice appearing on most water bottles in India.  Why is that important? At first, I thought it had something to do with recycling.  There was recycling going on, but not the type I had imagined.  I was corrected and learned that this notice was a measure to prevent against fraud.  What kind of fraud would that be?  It turns out that uncrushed bottles were being fished out of trash piles and refilled with tap water to be resold as bottled water.  Ingenious!  The sellers, in their ostensible zeal to offer great customer service, would quickly "open" the bottle for you, while handing it over.

What would compel someone to deceive a buyer in this way?  These bottles of water are not that profitable, and the potential for harm is high.  In a nation crowded with poverty and resourcefulness, this practice was widespread enough that it warranted the notice.  Can we really blame someone for trying to eke out an existence on the few rupees they could get by selling "recycled" water bottles?  Aren't they just looking out for themselves in a world that offers no alternative?  A CEO doesn't want you to be homeless; he is just making sure the company's stock is valuable.  The small businesswoman doesn't want to lay you off, but she can't stay competitive with operating costs inflated by your salary.  It is what is required.  

If you don't like this "ruling value syntax" (John McMurtry), then see how you can change the value orientation.  Until you realize the condition, a bewildering array of symptoms will continue to proliferate faster than you can imagine them.